We are a fellowship of the PCA, a group who is united around a cause that’s bigger than ourselves and that solidly unites us together in spite of our differences.

Story - We are a people formed by God’s story (Ephesians 2:4-9).

Everyone is formed by some type of narrative. We are formed by the Greatest Story, namely, the Good News. God has created this world, man has sinned and fallen, Jesus has come into this world, God’s Spirit has been sent to live within us, and Jesus is making all things new. This Greatest Story forms our fellowship.

Presence - We’re here for the peace of the region (Jeremiah 29:4-9).

Because God the Father is present with His people, and because Jesus has promised to be present with us by His indwelling, sent Spirit, we are here to be present for North Augusta & the CSRA.

We’re here for the good, the bad, and the ugly of the region. We want to be a healthy presence among the educational, business, recreational, and everyday life of North Augusta.

We want to use what resources and talents we have to serve the region. We are a fellowship here for North Augusta.

Attentive - We’re here to listen (Acts 17:16-34).

This world and this community are asking questions. We want to give a listening ear to hear those and respond in ways that are dignifying and saturated with the Good News. We want to remove obstacles that get in the way of hearing God’s Story for His people and this region. We are a Fellowship marked by Attentiveness.

Culture - We’re building something for good (Gen 1:26-28).

Every organization has a culture, an atmosphere and a set of ideals. In light of the Cultural Mandate, we seek to build a culture that shows hospitality to strangers, that cares for our respective vocations as we put down roots in the area, and that equips & sends believers out to fulfill our mission for the well-being of our region. We want to be marked by a maturity formed by the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Fruit of the Spirit. Stewarding talents & resources for our good & the good of those around us fuels the mission of our fellowship.

Exponential - We seek to multiply (Matthew 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:11-16).

We’re seeking to be a church that multiplies. Rather than being drawn in upon ourselves, we want to send people, gifts, talents, and resources “out & down.” We want to be resourcing members and putting them in the best position to do every day ministry. We take seriously the Cultural Mandate, the Great Commandment, and the Great Commission. As a fellowship, we are sent out & we send out others to do the work they are called & equipped to do.