Our Vision

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A Profile of North Augusta

If North Augusta were a recruit or a pick in an upcoming pro sports draft, you would say that “his stock is really rising.” In this city, with almost 25,000 residents, you will find new growth, new buildings, and high potential. It's a gem in the CSRA (Central Savannah River Area)

The city has a certain degree of “Up & Coming”: home of the North Augusta Greenjackets, expanding renewables, and nearby growing manufacturing facilities, North Augusta is part of what’s become an attractive region with a recent track record of growth.

Yet, like every place, there is a broken side to North Augusta. Her story includes worldly ambition, broken families, and economic disparity.

North Augusta has recently seen significant economic growth, but it remains the largest city in South Carolina without a PCA church.

We hope to change that. We want to see God's Kingdom come to North Augusta as it is in heaven, specifically through the establishment of a new church that will acclaim God’s fame for generations to come.

Why is North Augusta a strategic location for God’s missionary work?

People want to live in North Augusta. The borough is home to almost 25,000 residents, and the population has exploded throughout the area, growing over 14% in the last 10 years. North Augusta is an attractive place to live.

North Augusta is the largest city in South Carolina without a PCA church

Aiken county is home to almost 177,000 residents and has experienced recent renewables and manufacturing growth.

Jesus’ mission demands that we plant a new church in North Augusta. God has always been moving and working in North Augusta, as He loves this community more than any one else. He has been creating interest in different congregations, denominations, and networks. This indicates that the field is ripe for the harvest, and God wants to show off his glory in North Augusta by bringing his kingdom here more fully.

A New Church for North Augusta

With our words and with our lives, North Augusta PCA will tell God’s story - the story of Jesus coming to rescue us from sin and renew this broken world. We want to humbly join in God’s work and the conversation about our city’s future, commending this story as the ultimate story that shapes how we live, work and play. Our vision, therefore, is to see God’s story of redemption shape the story of our lives, our church, and our city. We’re dream of continuing God’s missionary movement, where….

Skeptics, unchurched, seekers, and de-churched are exposed to the gospel by people who walk authentically with God and one another.

People from diverse backgrounds are united under a new identity in Jesus.

Followers of Jesus participate in the restoration of creation where they live, work, and play.

North Augusta Fellowship (PCA) is here to see God’s Fame made public, to help Jesus’ followers look more like Him, and to experience North Augusta & the CSRA being blessed by God’s work among us.

The Goals & Metrics

We know we are on mission and fulfilling our vision when the following happens:

Conversion Growth

Skeptics, the unchurched, and others come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and become one of his disciples.

Renewed Faith

Church plants have a great track record of saving people’s faith, where they are able to come and process the way of Jesus anew. We’ll see hurt Christians find that healing in following Jesus.

New Works Born

We want to be a church that sends out other church planters, missionaries local & global, and interns into other ministries. We seek to be a church that is a hub for para-church ministries and non-profits that serve both locally and abroad. We want to resource & send out people to the work that God has equipped and called them to do.

For all our strategizing and preparation, North Augusta Fellowship PCA cannot succeed without the Spirit of God driving this mission. Your prayers are vital to this work. We are seeking prayer partners who will commit to a season of prayer for this project. Despite our brokenness and weakness, we believe God will use his people as we depend on him daily for all our needs.

Will you join us in prayer?

You can also sponsor this church plant financially.

All funds are being raised under the Palmetto Presbytery of the PCA.

If you have any questions, including partnership inquiries, please contact Jason Cornwell at jason@northaugustafellowship.org.